a I Norman Podcast
We’re told we live in a polarized society, and indeed, TwXttXr is a shit show. But only about 20% of ‘mericans are even using Twitterxxx, so let’s not lump every Republican and Democrat we know into the kkkonservative or libtard bins just yet.
From my extensive time talking to audiences from the stage and in private conversations off of it, corroborated with evidence from opinion polls, I can see that a clear majority of this country almost always agrees on a huge chunk of moderate positions. Sorry, antifa. Sorry, proud oath keepers. Sorry to both sides insane Q teams. Y’all don’t have the numbers.'
You know what does have the numbers? Common sense abortion laws that aren’t too extreme either way. Respect for gays and trannies but no forced wedding cakes or childhood transitions. Gender expression should be expansively allowed, but medicalization not encouraged as a consequence of it. The recognition that biological sex is real and is material to the questions of sports, prisons, and other space where the vulnerability of the female sex is at issue. The right to bear arms but with better background checks. Figuring out some way to have healthcare that is affordable so that we’re neither debating whether it’s good or bad to assassinate a husband or father but also aren’t denying to pay for the life-saving healthcare of thousands of others. A functioning border.
I’m going to be going one by one through all of the supposedly divisive and controversial issues “tearing this country apart” and give what I think is the most reasonable compromise between the best versions of what each side values. I invite people to comment below on the YouTube and Spotify versions with their thoughts, comments, rebuttals, praises, suggested tweaks, etc. I also invite people to comment or otherwise contact me with a request to come on the show as a guest to discuss with me how to improve my ideas, and to say what they agree and disagree with.
The middle needs to grow a pair and tell the extremists we disagree. Gen X and elder Millennials especially need to tell some of the youngsters these days No. It used to be automatic that young people had to listen to their elders, but now they’re raising each other on tik tok. So, we have to be proactive and keep these ignorant children from too many of the levers.